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Wells Math Competition

Nov. 12-15, 19, 2018

2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

3: Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience

5: Demonstrate the skills and recognise the benefits of working collaboratively

Math club held the school's first high school math competition this year. When we first proposed the idea of the competition, most of the procedures were unclear, because Math club consists of four members including me, which is relatively small club compare to other clubs in the school, and this was the club's first official event. There were not any guideline or previous events to refer to, therefore we were initially confused, and there were frequent changes in the plan. Each of the members spent time in finding and creating the problems for the competition, discussed the rules and schedule for the competition, and communicated with the school and the students to promote the event. There were a lot of obstacles in planning; for instance, we initially had only few participants as not many students were aware of the event or they were not interested. We had to spread the message more, with the benefits and possible awards that could be earned by participating the event. I was worried that the competition might not be held if there aren't enough participants, but after our hard work more than 50 students participated. As a result, we could successfully hold the competition for high school and students versus teachers round.

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