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Group Project: 2019 Prom [Carpe Noctem]

Updated: Apr 3, 2020

Learning Outcomes

1: Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

5: Demonstrate the skills and recognise the benefits of working collaboratively


For this year's prom, our class had to work together to held the event. The students were divided into group depending on each one's ability and skills, such as decoration, activity, etc. As I am able to use Photoshop and have experiences in decoration for previous events, I took part in decoration group for decoration of the event and design for the ticket that matches with the theme: The Great Gatsby.


One of the major tasks I had to do was ticket design. There were several requirements in creating the ticket design. Firstly, it should match with the theme of the prom. Second, the design should satisfy the seniors, therefore communicating with them essential. Finally, it should be finished few weeks before prom, so that it could be printed and sold as soon as possible. While I have experiences of using Photoshop, I have to consider that I am not advanced. Therefore, to meet all of those requirements, I should work in advance to create best design in time.


During Songkran break, I came up with several design prototypes. Through communication with seniors, and considering other factors such as time and cost, I improved the designs. During the process, several designs were discarded by disapproval. I spent about a week to finalize the design, and sent to the leaders to print the tickets. In addition, with other members of decoration team, we visited the hotel we reserved in advance to get idea of how to decorate the place.


The ticket was printed in good quality that the colors and design is properly presented. On the day of prom, our team will be busy decorating the place. Although there are not much we can do, because of the size of the place and the low budgets, we will try our best to match with the theme. The other groups hopefully prepared their tasks well, such as entertaining activities and performances to make the event successful.


Other than dance night last year, we have not done a huge project as a class. I was worried about preparation and collaboration as a whole, but in my opinion, the tasks were properly distributed and everyone had chance to take part in the project. In addition, not only we did the tasks given to us, but we also had to constantly communicating with each groups and the leaders to collaborate without discord.

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