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ServICE Conference

Updated: May 7, 2019

Nov. 16-18, 2018

2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

6: Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance

In ServICE, I had opportunity to meet with different people and learn about different knowledge and issues around the world. In the conference, I had chance to collaborate with people that I don't know. This was actually one of the challenges for me, since I am a introverted person. However, having to talk to strangers in short amount of time helped me become more confident as the conference continued.

On the second day, we went on a trip to Ruth center, which supports people who does not have a stable shelter for various reasons. We visited their houses and listened to their stories. Although we all live in the same city, we are not aware of those people in needs, and as the society does not recognize them, they are not sufficiently supported. I learnt that there are groups of people whose voice is not heard, and that we have to be aware of them, because that is the first step in helping others (just as Ruth center did).

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