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PTC Translation

Sep. 21, 2018

1: Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

As a part of Korean club, I took the task of being a translator for Korean parents in communication with the teachers in Parent-Teacher Conference. Although I am a fluent speaker of both Korean and English, translation was a challenge to me, as I have to think in two languages simultaneously and switch between two. While I have experience of translation, English to Korean, for high school newsletter, live time translation was different, since it involves listening and speaking, requires quick response, and it is a two-way communication. In fact, I did not struggle to understand the parent's question (Korean) to the teacher and the teacher's comments (English), I had to spend some time for choosing appropriate vocabulary to fully convey what was originally said and to construct sentences by considering difference in two languages' grammar and structure. However, as I got used to translating, I could fluently and accurately deliver the messages to both teacher and the parent, helping them to overcome the language barrier for essential communication.

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