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Korean Club Hoodie Design

1: Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

As Korean club requested, I've created design for the club's hoodie. I have experiences using Photoshop to create designs for other occasions, such as a logo for an event. However, although I am using same program and skills, it was my first time to design a product. It had several differences, for instance, hoodie design should be simple yet meets the wants of the club members. I also had to consider how the design would look when it is printed. There were designs that were discarded due to the cost for printing or difficulties in printing those designs. Optimizing the cost and meeting the club member's preferences, I finalized the design. I have learned about designing a product, and that it involves various factors in finalizing the design, unlike a logo or ticket where the process of finalizing and printing a design is simpler.

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