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Updated: Oct 28, 2019

Dec. 18, 2018

2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

This was my first time doing yoga. Before, I have never done yoga or any similar experience; in addition, my body is not flexible at all. Therefore, I was worried before the workshop whether I could follow the class although it was a beginner class. As I expected, I struggled to follow the postures the instructor demonstrated after first five minutes of the class. Still, I tried my best to follow the instruction, and I could feel by body being relaxed. When I didn't know about yoga, I thought it was just stretching muscles and being flexible, but actually, yoga was about relaxing body, and also our mental state. Then I could understand why breathing was emphasized throughout the class. While I still struggle to do certain postures, I would like to do more yoga to exercise body and mental state.

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